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[EFORT Congress 2013 포스터] Reduced Narcotics and Ropivacaine Injection has the same Effects as Original Periarticular Injection for Pain Management in TKA

강남연세사랑병원 조회수 3469 2013-06-20 15:27:46
[EFORT Congress 2013 포스터] Reduced Narcotics and Ropivacaine Injection has the same Effects as Original Periarticular Injection for Pain Management in TKA 게시글의 1번째 첨부파일입니다.

20136 5()~8()까지 Turkey에서 진행되는 2013 European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology(EFORT)에서 권세광 원장님이 연구한 학술 포스터가 채택되어 전시되었습니다.
‘Reduced Narcotics and Ropivacaine Injection has the same Effects as Original Periarticular Injection for Pain Management in TKA’
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